Nexus Counselling
Counselling for Addiction to Drugs or Alcohol
We provide unique support for survivors of abuse and trauma who currently have an addiction to drugs or alcohol.
We understand that survivors of abuse will often use drugs or alcohol to help them deal with their trauma symptoms. Sometimes it can feel like the only way to cope with life is by drinking or using substances and when these are taken away it can be a struggle to deal with emotions and feelings.
Our Nexus Counselling focuses on becoming more stable and reducing someone's alcohol or drug intake. It also provides support and practical strategies to help deal with anxiety, depression and flashbacks and will help someone to better understand post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms and related mental health difficulties.
Our Nexus counselling leaflet can be downloaded here.
Please note that in order to be referred you need to be engaged with a drug and alcohol service and they will need to refer you. ​
What we Offer...
12 one-to-one sessions.
Long-term counselling afterwards if appropriate to fully address the underlying trauma.​
Sessions can take place remotely (either online or by phone) or in person at:
Southmead Project (North Bristol)
Bristol Drugs Project (BDP) (Brunswick Square, Central Bristol)
Hawkspring (South Bristol)
Partnership with Ara
We have partnered with Ara (the Addiction Recovery Agency) to provide Nexus counselling for adults in their housing who have experienced abuse and have substance misuse issues.
One of our dedicated Nexus Counsellors provides counselling at Ara's offices in King Street, Central Bristol, at the Southmead Project, and online and by phone.
Jo Kelley, Nexus Counselling Manager
How to Make a Referral
If you are interested in Nexus counselling, please ask your drug and alcohol worker to complete the online Referral Form above. We treat the form as confidential and it is used to help us ensure you are offered the right type of help.
Please note, we currently expect people may have to wait for up to 6 months for Nexus counselling.
Once it has been completed, you will be placed on our waiting list. When you reach the top, we will invite you for an initial appointment with our Nexus counsellor and counselling will take place after this if appropriate.
If you have any queries regarding Nexus counselling, please contact Jo Kelley on the below details: